Monday 11 September 2017

AOS service not staring due to EDT size error

Object Server 02:  Unexpected situation
More Information: Total field length cannot exceed 64K. Please re-factor your table *BIDateDimensionTrans  
Total field length cannot exceed 64K. Please re-factor your table *BIDateDimensionTrans
Due to this Microsoft Dynamics AX AOS crashed. Microsoft Dynamics AX AOS service is not Starting.
The above error start occurring when the developer changed the EDT size (in my case “Name”) to higher number. So without opening the AOS how to resolve the issue.
For Solution follow below steps:
Go to Event management and review the errors thrown when AOS starting
So, First thing required is other AOS where you can do below steps.
  1. Create Model in other AOS which is same as the one where issue arise
  1. Update the EDT where the error. (In this case, reduce the size). Identify last updated EDT.
  2. Add EDT to the model
  3. Export model
Export-AXModel -model EDT_SOL -file c:\EDT_SOL.axmodel -Config <Configuration Name>
  1. Import Model to the AOS where the issue is.
Install-AXModel -File c:\EDT_SOL.axmodel -Config APPL_STAG_AX12R3
  1. Resolve conflict, if any

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